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HomeHealth Coaching

Health Coaching

Embrace an Opportunity To Better Manage your Life and Body.

What is Health Coaching?

Health Coaching is a guided health, wellness, and life management partnership between a coach and a client.  We use motivational interviewing, strengths based coaching, mindfulness, positive psychology, etc. to work with you to pin point areas of your life associated with wellness and life skills you would like to change.  Whether you need help with daily life skills at home, day to day issues of stress & anxiety, weight management & nutrition, or support of chronic illnesses, we work with you to help you explore what changes you would like to make in your life and guide you to achieving your goal(s).


How Does Health Coaching Work?

We communicate with you through a virtual platform, phone, text, or e-mail.  For your first session, you and your coach will meet through a virtual platform or by phone and decide together the best route for your plan of care.  We want you to feel comfortable and confidant in the route you choose in our warm and welcoming environment. You and your coach will work together and decided your best forms of communication and how often you will be meeting.  You and your coach will corrospond though out the month as you work on your health and wellness goal(s).  Each time you meet with your coach, your goal(s) and progress will be reviewed and adjusted as needed.



Why You Need A Health Coach In Your Life

How does a healthier life look like to you?  A Health Coach is a person who is there for you while being your guide during your wellness journey.  Often times we as a society have so much on our plates, are in so many directions, and need guidance of a helping hand to figure out how to get started.  We can help you narrow down your issues step by step and get you moving towards positive behavior change. We are your confidant and accountability person and believe you know yourself the best.  We are motivated to help you reach your health and wellness goals by working together as a team.


Your Health Coach Works With Your Team Of Healthcare Professionals?

Health and wellness coaches are your accountability partner with your health.  We are able to communicate with your bridge of healthcare professionals as needed during our time coaching together.  Communication is conducted via HIPAA compliance and only with your permission.  We can also work with you to find the right healthcare professional if your needs are out of our scope of practice. 

Stress & Anxiety Reduction

Stress can stem from many different directions whether it be at home, in the workplace, or in the community.  Stress can interfere with the quality of your life.  Stress can cause unnecessary weight gain, smoking, blood pressure issues, anxiety, etc.  A health coach can work with you to find the route cause of your stress and move you forward to a happier healthier lifestyle.  By reducing and getting control of the stress in your life you may lower the possibility of acquiring other preventable health issues.  Your coach can work with you on various mindful techniques to help you reduce your stress levels.

Do You Feel Balance With Your Life?

How do you adjust family life and work?  Much of the time these two important factors go hand in hand with each other and leave people with a feeling of chaos and being unbalanced.  Where do you start?  How do you arrange your life so each piece gets equal mindfully focused time with limited distractions?   Having that coach/accountability partner who is not with you every day can help you see things differently as you dive into your life's challenges.  This person is what you need to challenge your inner being to figured out where you need to make adjustments in your life so you feel the sense of balance and peace you deserve.